Category Archives: Speech Therapy

More On This Topic: Speech Therapy Newcastle Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disease. This disease can completely change the life of the patient if not treated well. Peoples with this disease can completely lose the touch with the real world. The suicide and violence rate in schizophrenic patients is very high. Early treatment can help in the recovery of the patient. Following symptoms can be found in schizophrenic patients. Symptoms .The patient will hear voices in his mind. He will start talking with himself just like he is talking with someone. .Patient will tell his guardian that someone is ordering him. .Patient may report seeing something unusual like that is not possible in the real world. .The patient will feel an unusual type of taste, smell. .Will believe someone special is in touch with him. .Mayreport someone is giving him a message through Tv or phone. .The patient will tell…

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